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Hazel 14 month German Shorthaired Pointer Started Dog
German Shorthaired Pointer wake up routine
Hazel the #drahthaar She’s so good. We love her so much #deutschdrahthaar
Wade Wison - German Wirehaired Pointer
Retrieve work w Hazel (Fiona Vom Burdock) #versatilehuntingdog #draht #drahthaar #deutschdrahthaar
10 week old GSP busting through dog door
Deutsch drahthaar 9 months old.
Knoxville Dog Trainers - German Shorthaired Pointer Puppy Phenom to Off Leash Obedience at 5 Months
Pit bull vs German Shorthaired Pointer Tug-a-war
Buddy Misses His Mum #germanwiredhairedpointer #germanwirehairedpointerproscons
GSP Puppy- Getting her used to her surroundings.
German pointer